Friday, 21 March 2014

Beginning of a new path

Today, well yesterday was the start of a new path for Hard Graft theatre company.  For some time I have wanted to knock touring on the head, the endless cycle of writing, selling, travelling to theatres with no audience, sleeping in B&B's eating sandwiches from Gregs.  But it has taken a long time to realise the next path, but yesterday it became clear.

Here you go...

I am now a venue manager.  Well, that's not exactly the truth, I am managing a venue, but it's more, much more.  David Crowley (my trusted friend and director) and myself have agreed to take on an empty theatre space in Oldham, where, at the moment nothing (or little) has been produced.  We are starting from nothing and have ambitions to build a brand that can poke it's head above the parapet with no shame or embarrassment to deliver art to the people of Oldham and beyond.

Our job is to find funding, devise a programme and turn an empty, dark theatre into something Oldham can have pride in.

Ladies and Gentlemen of the Blogger community I urge you to welcome and support


Over the next few months I will try and keep you up to date with our progress.

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