Tuesday, 18 May 2010

Eddie Stobart

How do you pass the time driving the thousands of miles from venue to venue on a theatre tour? You play a great game called Eddie Stobart.   It's very simple every time you see an Eddie Stobart lorry you say 'Eddie, Eddie Stobart' this gives you 10 points.   When you spot a Royal Mail you get 50 points, a Motorbike is 2 and a Plane or Train wins you the game.


  1. Pretty cool game. I play a simular sort of thing. Well I used to with my little brother and sister. It used annoy my Mom and Dad so much. It's the old yellow mini game with the whole thump to the arm. But we added stuff like "Kicking" KIA. No points for guessing what you do when you see one of those. Haha
    I really like your blog by the way. hope you don't mind me visiting. My name is Jessica and I am an actress from the west Midlands.
    Like you I also have a blog:
    It would be nice to keep in touch.


  2. How come you're third Caz? You never usually let the driving distract you from this game?
