Hello Everyone,
I have just finished writing a play today so I'm in a very good mood. I'm
so happy I'd thought I'd share some of the love with you.
Right, I've got loads of stuff to tell you. Firstly Dan and I (if you
didn't know) are performing Poles Apart again at the Lowry in
Salford and the Rich Mix in Bethnal Green
*LONDON*. I've had my hair cut specially. If you didn't catch this show
earlier this year I urge you to go, it's funny with a serious message & and
with One Eyed Nick Griffin popping up every where this message of racial
harmony needs pushing.
Next - I've started a facebook group for people like you. I'm not very good
on Facebook so bare with me. To join the group click on this link here - no
here - no over here
It's going rather well isn't it?
Okay, if you really want to get in the mind of a world class actor/writer
you know can, by searching Alan Bennett on Google for everyone else I now
write me own BLOG . * "It's all
about me, it's all about me baby."*
And finally, this is where you're supposed to come up with a light hearted
story to finish the news, well sorry. The play I've just finished today is
called Knife Edge. If you
saw GRASS last year it's a step in
that direction. It's very scary, very serious and very dark story about a
fatal stabbing and how a family deal with aftermath. It tours next year so
look out for it.
That's it.
I nearly forgot. For all you fun loving 3-7 year olds out there we're doing
a version of The Elves and the Shoemaker this Christmas. Well, to be honest it's more like Shrek meets the Elves and the Shoemaker. It's at the Civic Hall Uppermill 14th - 24th December then
at Helmsley Arts Centre on the 7th January
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